woensdag 26 februari 2014

C&C  Language  Support

Dutch for expats 

all levels - 1-on-1 - relaxed atmosphere 

flexible schedules - tailored to your needs

concentration on practical use and conversation

location: Amsterdam Center, near Waterlooplein

My name is Michiel de Bie. I will be your private tutor.
I have diplomas in translation and economics and have been 
teaching Dutch in Amsterdam for the last 8 years. 
Before that I worked in editing, publishing and translating.
Apart from English, I also speak a little Spanish, German and some French.

Learning Dutch is not as painful as you think!

Many people who come to The Netherlands are here for a limited time and although most Dutch citizens speak English, you are confronted daily with Dutch in the written form, on television, in shops and of course in the conversation all around you. We aim to cater for your needs by providing courses tailor-made to your requirements. Some people are here for longer, or move here permanently and want to integrate as quickly as possible, or at least be able to understand  the shopkeepers, officials of various sorts, conversations on the telephone and of course, neighbours and friends. Those people need a more extensive knowledge of the language. We offer a range of quality, personalised and professionally delivered Dutch language lessons. We can help anyone needing to improve their Dutch language skills - whether you are beginner, needing help with writing skills or simply needing to improve your vocabulary. If you need to prepare for the NT2 exam, we can concentrate on that.  Through informal individual sessions, your private tutor can guide you through the early difficulties, at your own pace and in your own time. The idea is to remove the pressure of learning a new language and to make it a pleasant and enjoyable experience. People learn much more quickly if they are relaxed and having fun.

Flexibility - Learning material

Most students prefer to take one lesson a week but you can choose to have more. If you want to skip one or more weeks (holiday, business trip), no problem as long as you let me know at least a week in advance.
All learning material will be provided to you by e-mail or, during the lesson, in the form of hand-outs.

Initial meeting - Trial lesson

After an initial contact via mail or telephone, you will be invited for a short interview. This is completely FREE and carries no obligations on either side. During the introduction/assessment meeting we can discuss needs, level, schedule, etc. 
You can also opt to arrange a trial lesson of 1 hour at a fee of €30.

One-to-one & small group language tuition

Lessons are based on hourly sessions but it is always possible to book for one and
  a half or two hours. A longer time is inadvisable, especially for beginners because from experience, too much information in one session, is difficult to absorb.

A Course of 5 individual lessons of 1 hour: € 185 

 A Course of 10 individual lessons of 1 hour: € 285 

     A Course of 10 individual lessons of 1½ hours: € 385 

Lessons for couples: 

A Course of 5 couples lessons of 1 hour: € 285

   A Course of 10 couples lessons  of 1 hour: € 385 

     A Course of 10 couples lessons of 1½ hours: € 485

Payment in advance by bank tranfer or in cash.
 E-mail me now for a FREE initial meeting in which we will discuss your requirements 
and arrange the most suitable course of lessons.

Contact details:
C&C Language Support - M.de Bie
Rapenburgerstraat 290 
1011 MN Amsterdam
phone: 06-13296553 or 020-6799188

How we work

 The lessons take place in the afternoon or evening, both during the week and at weekends, in an ordinary living room atmosphere, where you can relax and enjoy your lesson without having to sit in a school room situation like many of the larger language schools. Individual lessons will concentrate on the needs of the person concerned and as a result will proceed at that individual's own pace.
Lessons will be only partly grammatically-based. That is to say, from experience we have learned that most people are not interested in learning the complexities of Dutch grammar, they are generally here for a short period of time and they just want to be able to communicate to the best of their ability. Most of your learning will be done in a practical manner - speaking Dutch and applying it to the right situation. Written work and grammar can come later if you so desire and of course will be more relevant to advanced learners. 

Please note:
 Due to repeated practical problems with late cancellations, the following will apply:
                     *The first time a lesson is cancelled - no penalty
                     *The second time this happens, unfortunately you will be charged for the lesson.


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